On this day exactly 40 years ago, they showed the world how easy it can be to implant an idea in the human mind in order to control social behavior.
In 1983, the American researcher Robert Gallo claimed that he had discovered the “human immunodeficiency virus” (HIV) as the agent responsible for the cause of AIDS. In 1984, Gallo published four articles in Science, in which he stated that he had isolated the HIV virus. In December 2008, thirty-seven legal, medical and research professionals sent a letter to the journal, asking it to officially retract the original four papers that made the case for HIV as the cause of AIDS. According to the authors, widespread evidence had emerged that Gallo’s studies were not only poorly carried out, but that their results were falsified. The letter from the 37 experts includes a letter from Gallo himself, admitting to another researcher that HIV could not be isolated from human samples alone. In addition, a letter from an electron microscopy expert revealed that there was no HIV virus contained in Gallo’s 1984 samples.
Sometimes it takes time, sometimes too much time, but finally, the truth is all revealed. Today, having left them playing the same game for 40 years, we can say thank you.
Thank you because, without these bad actors playing their roles back then and today, it would not have been possible to understand (and accept) that there is an evil agenda, that there are objectives to be met by those few families in power, and that we have to think by ourselves and do our own research in order to protect our loved ones.
In 2001, Djamel Tahi interviewed Charles Dauget. Dauget was the Pasteur Institute electron microscopist and one of the co-authors of the 1983 Montagnier paper. Like Montagnier, Dauget was asked why no EM pictures of purified “HIV” were published. His response was “We have never seen virus particles in the purified virus. What we have seen all the time was cellular debris, no virus particles”.
The good news is that today's social networks and internet have also worked against them and made it possible to awaken thousands and thousands of souls, generating the need to uncover the fraud not only of that scam but also of the whole virology fraud, to learn about real health, spread the truth that was hidden, and start to say no to the Medical Tyranny.
This is a short post because you don't need much information to connect the dots and notice that exactly the same script from 1984 was rolled out in 2020. And the same script will be rolling out for the next show.
Again ? Why ? Because they can. Why ? Because most people are now so traumatized that accepting the truth can turn them crazy, so they will prefer to be lied to. Why ? Because it worked out. Why ? Because today most of the "truth movements" are bought, hypnotized, confused, or lack the courage to accept the truth. (Like back in 1984.)
There are no viruses, there was no virus, and there will never be a virus because a virus is just a concept that was never shown to exist. A virus is just an idea, backed by some Nobel Prizes, an idea so powerful that it can induce the amount of fear necessary to harm you and yours. They don't need weapons; they just need your mind, and you do the rest.
We now know the little secret; we have a responsibility not to keep that only for ourselves.
Thanks, Monty; thanks, Gally; thanks. You and your kindergarden performance made this possible; we now know how virology makes magic.
With love,
Misha from gamzuletova.org
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The best book on the HIV/AIDS scam is 'Fear of the Invisible' by Janine Roberts, who died about 10 years ago. I recall being scared sh**less when this was going on in the mid 1980s. The fearmongering was off the scale though of course they didn't have the internet then so it wasn't as intense as 2020. We've come along way since then. I first discovered the truth about HIV when I returned to the UK from SA with a bad cold. I was convinced I had the dreaded HIV/AIDS as at that time SA was supposedly rife with it. I survived and that made me curious. Then I stumbled across Stefan Lanka on Youtube where he posted something called 'Pandemie Theater'. It took me a while to accept what he was saying initially but bit by bit I came around to the notion it was all a lie. I think the scale of the lie is what makes it so hard to accept Germ Theory is and always was largely a Rockefeller sponsored psyop. You have to hand it to them. They are very good at what they do.