The best book on the HIV/AIDS scam is 'Fear of the Invisible' by Janine Roberts, who died about 10 years ago. I recall being scared sh**less when this was going on in the mid 1980s. The fearmongering was off the scale though of course they didn't have the internet then so it wasn't as intense as 2020. We've come along way since then. I first discovered the truth about HIV when I returned to the UK from SA with a bad cold. I was convinced I had the dreaded HIV/AIDS as at that time SA was supposedly rife with it. I survived and that made me curious. Then I stumbled across Stefan Lanka on Youtube where he posted something called 'Pandemie Theater'. It took me a while to accept what he was saying initially but bit by bit I came around to the notion it was all a lie. I think the scale of the lie is what makes it so hard to accept Germ Theory is and always was largely a Rockefeller sponsored psyop. You have to hand it to them. They are very good at what they do.

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To the point and punchy, nice post Misha.

It seems it takes just under 40 years for virologist to forget they have made these mistakes before.

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I'm a gay man who has known about the 'HIV' thing for 20 years. It's been kind of lonely in a community that is entirely in the grips of this illusion. Most don't realize how controlled they are in the LGBT community, convinced to take toxic drugs that are claimed to keep them safe. Ugh.

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The LGBT community had the highest uptake in COVID shots, too. Most just don't know how much they've been used over the years.

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