As I have expressed in other posts, it seems that we have a strange force that pushes us to keep researching and spreading what we find out, like an obligation or maybe part of our Dharma. If not, where does all this energy come from? Why can´t we keep doing what we have been doing in life for so long and not be interrupted by that feeling that we need to keep sending a message that we consider crucial in these times? Why do we need to be heard?
Maybe we were punched by life in some way, and we store that suffering in order to be transformed later on in life into something good, for someone else, and so for us too.
But the strange thing is that most of us knew from day one that this was a scam, or at least we smelled it instantly, and we had the power to go in the other direction and avoid getting confused. But again, something had to first be turned on in us, something like a pilot light.
“A pilot light is a small gas flame, usually natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas, that serves as an ignition source for a more powerful gas burner.”
I think we already knew. Maybe before this one, we thought there was no point in going in the other direction and talking about how some things are exactly the opposite of what the majority thought. Why the need to be labeled a "conspiracy theorist".
I always ask "awaken" people, Why do you think YOU started to see this scam from day one, when the majority don´t? And how do you keep in the same position, no matter what was projected in the Matrix, no matter that practically all the ones you knew followed the narrative without questioning and only provided fear to share? And most of the time, the conclusion is that there was a previous suffering, or a previous awakening in another area, or simply that I just knew.
This "new" war THEY started to play in 2020 (planned long, long, long before) was the trigger for us to move forward, and it helped us to finally connect every dot, every question we kept inside for some reason, all that knowledge that we knew (maybe knowledge we were not conscious we already had), and we started to accept that that amount of evil was possible. That also changed our mood. I think it turned us very angry—that anger that you feel when you realize "I knew it", and a sadness when you cannot understand why most people felt under the spell and started to accept doing illogical things to harm themselves and their loved ones. Then, I think it came to the need to transform that anger into love by connecting with others to spread the truth even harder every chance we have.
The red pill and blue pill represent a choice between the willingness to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth by taking the red pill or remaining in the contented experience of ordinary reality with the blue pill. The terms originate from the 1999 film The Matrix.
How beautiful it was to observe, as time passed, that all the knowledge that was stored in so many people around the world was connecting together and, with that, increasing our confidence and inner peace. That is light, that is love, and that is the power of the truth when revealed.
And what about the title of this post? I wanted to write about something else; my draft was about how to know if we can trust someone, if this someone is an actor or not, if they have other interests and do not care about the truth. But at this point, nobody who took the red one needs advice on that. You will know who is who; just look at his eyes and the energy of his voice. You are well trained!
God bless you all,
I've noticed it similarly to what you explain. The ones who can feel the pain and not block it out are able to see reality as it is, without the overlay imposed on society by language and other "logical" arguments.
Iain McGilchrist put it well in his book to explain that a lot of what is going on today is a result of left hemisphere thinking. That's why lies lasted so long.
From chapter 4 of Ian McGilchrist 's book The Matter with Things:
"One related difference between right and left prefrontal cortex activation is that the left dominates where belief bias points to the correct conclusion, and, by contrast, the right dominates where it does not.260 Belief bias is in fact generally associated with the left hemisphere, not with the right hemisphere.261 I"
Also chapter 4
"To put it crudely, the right hemisphere is our bullshit detector. It is better at avoiding nonsense when asked to believe it, but it is also better at avoiding falling prey to local prejudice and just dismissing rational argument because the argument does not happen to agree with that prejudice"
And as for the red pill and the matrix, a great video "you're the one" about the matrix symbolism...
It was Dr. Edward Bernays who is the grandfather of modern social engineering. He taught how to mind control the masses. His program was so highly effective it converted the public who believed in new fluoride was poison to excepting it as a healthy additive to prevent tooth decay. He is method was adopted by corporations and states around the world.
Some people like yourself cannot be mind controlled