Did you also know that RFK is pro-vax? He specifically wants ALL Americans fully vaccinated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-har7k6brY&t=2596s

Del Bigtree is also not "anti-vax" either....he also advocates for "safer vaccines", whatever the hell that means.


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Continuing the lying does not help save any lives. (Oops, responding to a message of a new comment here, but i don't see it any more).

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Don't worry, that message was too aggressive to answer, so we prefer to ignore it.

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The Queen Bee of this hive mentality and that which must be preserved at all costs is indeed the embedded belief in the existence of viruses. So they support the existence of all viruses thus the need for the entire childhood vaccine schedule( 78 injections before the age of 7). Their issue is safety,not necessity. Louis Pasteur admitted in his private notes that his germ theory was bullshit,supported by blatant fraud,his own. Well at least he admitted it, although stipulated that his private notes ( 3,000 words) only be released after his death.

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Thank you for this, Misha :)


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Thank you Christine !!

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They are defending RFK Jr's first book, Fauci, whose first chapter's title is "A Mismanaged Pandemic," and his coming book pushing the "lab leaked engineered virus" narrative. And maybe his possible upcoming presidential run. He has made "Pandemic"/"COVID"/"SARS-CoV-2" the core of his analysis as to what's being going on, and questioning the existence of any of these three pillars undermines his program.

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Thanks Jeffrey and very good point. It seems that his upcoming book will be used as the "9/11 Commission Report (Official Edition)" but for the plandemic. They are so obvious...

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Perfect analogy, Misha. The 9/11 Commission Report completely reinforced the official narrative while pretending to offer a critical look at it, though RFK Jr's coming book does more in terms of pretending to be critical, in that the people on the Commission were total insiders, whereas he has created an image of being an outsider.

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1. Given that CHD admit they are open to the 'no virus' stance and are happy for their audience to make up their own mind I suggested they publish two versions of their articles and videos (1) a version promoting 'viruses', 'covid', 'lab leaks' and vaccines (2) a version that stays true to science.

2. A common defence is that the 'no virus' position might be technically true, but it's a losing strategy for winning the hearts and minds blah blah ... but if that was true the mainstream media would point to the 'no virus' camp as the opposition to the official narrative and completely ignore the likes of CHD, Malone, McCullough etc in order to depict the 'health freedom movement' in the worst possible light.

3. The medical science vs medical tyranny war is primarily a war of words (terminology). To use words like virus, immunity, gain of function etc is to concede everything from the outset and lose the war all by yourself.

4. The idea that we have to convince everyone to accept the 'no virus' stance in order to win the war for health freedom is false. Victory is secured when it's considered acceptable to debate the topic in the mainstream public discourse. If civilised debate is considered valid, then dissent is valid. If dissent is valid than there can be no coercion, no mandates, no tyranny. To simply HAVE the debate is to win. Even the fact that virology doesn't have a leg to stand on is of secondary importance.

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Never thought about the issue in no.4 in that way before, it makes sense and it appeals to me but my concern is how do we get there from where we are currently? How do we go from being completely censored and ridiculed as conspiracy theorists to being allowed to debate the issue in a civilised manner that is then honestly broadcasted by a mainstream platform. Also, how do we get there before people's lives and our children's lives have been wrecked by injury, death, loss and financial ruin?

Surely, there has to be some sort of stepping stone and my thinking is that this whole covid and no virus debate is going to be just that. Once we have convinced the majority of people of the facts re virology and viruses maybe society will be more ready to entertain civilized debate on these serious issues in the future. But they certainly are not ready or keen for it now. In other words, how do we get to your idea of victory without having first making an example of this current situation?

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Yeah I couldn't agree more Misha. I think at this stage that sort of eventuality is wishful thinking and we do actually have to go out there and convince everyone who will take the time to listen. And yes, hopefully, that will just be the beginning of their awakening because, as you point out, there is so much more to dismantle in order to get complete control of our lives back.

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Thanks a lot, Mia, for your comments!

In my opinion, such a debate will never occur.

We can try, but it will always be destroyed after it takes place, with the flow of disinformation from the MSM. They have the social engineering tools and all the social media networks to force those listeners back to the narrative.

Anyway, the objective, I think, is to keep spreading the message to those who are ready for it and who are searching for it, not avoiding it. So more and more people will start to question and research themselves.In this field and in many others, because these lies, the ones used to control and reduce population, are all connected and come from the same group of people from long, long ago...

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Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts!

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Mary Holland; fun times.


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One knows when one has made something good, when the video gets cloned all over the place. :) Thanks for sharing....

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I recall this excellent clip of your call. Great work as it really put them on the spot. They do great work, but can hardly maintain an anti-vax position, or "safer vax" position, if they have to let go of the central tenant, that there is anything viral or bacterial to vaccinate against in the 1st place. Hence their resistance.

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Thank you for your work !

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